Leading the Way

Property Overview

The property is located between 99° 35’54” E to 99° 38’44” E and 30° 23’50” N to 30° 26’ 00” N. It is in Kangding County, Ganzi District, Sichuan Province, China, about 5 km from the Xiasai Mine site, 46 km from the town of Yidun and about 840 km from Chengdu

Land Tenure

The land is held as Exploration Permit No. T51120080502007493 by Ganzi State Xingkang Zinc and Multi-metals Mining Company Limited, which is owned (100%) by Chengdu Xincai Mining Co. Ltd. (Xincai) which is owned (100%) by Great Elegant Investment Limited, an investment arm of Feature Grand.

The Exploration Permit covers 9.81 km2. This permit applies to mineral resources within this area and sufficient surface rights to allow access to these resources.